27 March 2024

What makes Gonio the ultimate destination for relaxation?

What makes Gonio the ultimate destination for relaxation?


Gonio is truly unique among Georgia's destinations. In this article, we'll highlight its special features and provide facts to convince you of its exceptional qualities.

In our fast-paced lives full of responsibilities, work and learning, it's crucial to find moments of relaxation to recharge and approach our daily routines with fresh energy. 

Planning the perfect vacation comes down to 2 crucial factors: 

  • WHO you go with 
  • WHERE you go

Of course, it's up to you who you'll go with, but deciding on the destination can be the real dilemma. In this article, we'll help you figure it out. So, in this article we will help you find this out.





Where to find the perfect vacation


Gonio has something for everyone, whether it's mountains or the sea, peace or excitement, old-fashioned charm or modern fun. Located just 12 kilometers from the center of Batumi along the left bank of the Chorokhi River, Gonio entices an increasing number of visitors daily, owing to its undeniable allure.


The natural harmony of Gonio


Gonio boasts a distinctive microclimate due to its geographical positioning. Here, a wide pebble beach stretches along the mountain's base, where the fragrant scent of pine forests blends seamlessly with the salty sea breeze. 

The crystal-clear blue waters and gentle waves beckon diving enthusiasts, while the recreational areas and green spaces provide a sense of serenity, far from urban clamor. Moreover, this location holds appeal for paragliding enthusiasts, offering them the chance to witness the breathtaking fusion of mountains and sea from high above. 

Among the dunes, you can also discover a pretty lake fed by rainwater, showcasing Gonio's uniqueness even further.










A Journey Through Gonio's Rich History


For history enthusiasts, Gonio promises a captivating voyage through time. The ancient fortress of "Apsaros," also known as Gonio Castle, once served a defensive function, which explains its significance. 

According to ancient tradition, the establishment of The Gonio-Apsaros Fortress is linked with the expedition of the Argonauts. Legend says that Apsirte, the son of Ayet, was killed and laid to rest right here. Today, it preserves ancient folk tales, giving insight into Gonio's historical development.










From Serenity to Thrilling Experience


For many people, vacations mean not just peace but also thrilling adventures. Gonio is the perfect place for those craving excitement. A quick 10-15 minutes' drive lands you in Batumi's lively streets, bustling with various music, busy sidewalks, and exciting cultural events — ensuring boredom is never an option.











Setting a New Standard of Relaxation with Montemar


We hope we have already helped you choose a new spot on the map. But before you go ahead with your vacation plans, we have one more tip for you.

To ensure a perfect rest, prioritize selecting a comfortable and secure environment. This will enhance your enjoyment of Gonio's natural beauty to the fullest. The Montemar project by Gumbati Group exemplifies such an environment. This 16-storey hotel type multifunctional complex offers unparalleled comfort, safety and stunning views. Inside, you'll find a stylish and modern design that ensures incredible comfort for every guest. With its elegant, modern interior, Montemar offers a peaceful retreat amidst Gonio's stunning natural scenery. Whether lounging by the open pool or gazing at the horizon where mountains meet the sea, Montemar perfectly captures the essence of Gonio's charm.






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